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Fall 2018

Friends and Supporters of Sunrise Christian Food Ministry:


Time keeps moving on. Summer is already over - Thanksgiving and then Christmas are right ahead. Just like you with your mission, we have continued on with the mission set before us – feed the needy. Amazing that for 35 years our focus has remained the same and the need has not gone away. But the magnitude has drastically increased. In addition to the food distribution, we are working hand in hand with the Citrus Heights HART (Homeless Assistance Resource Team), NFAN 3 (Neighborhood Food Access Network), and other community and school groups to reach out to the growing food insecure population.


2018 has been a year of growth. Through September we have served 1640 (5%) more people than last year. In the last 10 years there has only been one year that people served has not exceeded the prior year. Our customer base just keeps increasing. We normally had about 45-50 families a day but now it is anywhere from 65-80 families a day. Our community is having more and more needs. And all of this is before we enter the real busy Thanksgiving season. Starting November 1 we will be handing out about 100 turkeys each day in addition to the normal food distribution. Expect to give out over 1500 turkeys this year.  We are trusting God to work upon the hearts of His people to provide sufficient funds, products, and volunteers to accomplish all that is ahead. 


As reported last time, with the increased number of customers and increased volume of food supplies, we are needing additional volunteers. Volunteering can be 1 or 2 days a week, 1 or 2 days a month, or on a standby substitute list. You can even form your own team of folks and have your own day of the month. If interested and available, please call Judy, our Schedule Coordinator,  or stop on by the food closet to see what is needed.


In addition to daily workers, we would like to increase the supporting churches representation on the Board. We meet quarterly or as needed for decisions. The representatives would be a transfer of information between our activities and the direction of the church. We also have a need for the Board Treasurer. Nancy, who has functioned in this capacity for the last several years, had to retire for health and personal reasons.  

The Walk-in Cooler/Freezer project has slowly progressed. After finishing the electrical upgrades to the building, we worked on the foundation. Spanda Industrial Development Inc. was a great contractor. They finished all the foundation work and now we can finish the project. Cold Control, the refrigeration contractor, is working with the manufacture to finalize the box and have it delivered. If all goes well, we should be completed before Christmas. But since we began the project three years ago, the price has increased due to material and labor costs. We are needing an additional $ 12,000 to complete the work. God has an amazing way of teaching humility, patience, and trust. And we do trust Him in all things


Our praises and prayers:

  • Praise for Gods abundant grace in supplying all of our needs.
  • Praise for support and encouragement from all supporters
  • Pray for continued donations of product and finances
  • Pray for strength, health, and additional volunteers.
  • Pray for funds to complete the cooler / freezer project
  • Pray for NFAN 3 as we continue to meet together

Thank you


May the God of Hope continue to richly bless you for your continued prayers and support.


The Board

Sunrise Christian Food Ministry

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